I run through the trees
finding a way to disappear.
No matter where I go
there is always someone running after me.
I keep running until I find a way to loose them
It doesn't really matter how hard I try
they are only getting closer.
When I turn back to look
there is no one behind me.
I run and run until I find a safe place to be
A safe place where no one will harm me
where no one will be able to find me.
I hear voices though
Voices I don't know
Voices from the ones who were after me
They say to give up
There is no one left in this world
that has the same feeling as you.
I look around but no one is there.
I might be going insane
or maybe I'm in a nightmare of dreams.
where will you go? With who will you go? They say.
I had my eyes closed, but once I opened them
I yelled out and said "Stop! you are just a no one!"